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  • NG 16 WL 4.16
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  • NG 16 WL 4.16

    先导式液压分配器/电动液压/3位4通/2位4通NG 16 WL 4.16

    • ¥0.00
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先导式液压分配器/电动液压/3位4通/2位4通NG 16 WL 4.16

先导式液压分配器NG 16 WL 4.16,克拉克先导式液压分配器NG 16 WL 4.16,KRACTH先导式液压分配器NG 16 WL 4.16,克拉克KRACTH先导式液压分配器NG 16 WL 4.16


  • 驱动类型:

    先导式, 电动液压

  • 工位/通路:

    3位4通, 2位4通, 2位3通型, 2位2通


The KRACHT Directional Control Valve NG 16 WL 4.16 has a 315 bar p operating pressure and a 200 l / min optimal flow capacity. The NG 16 WL has a pilot valve that maneuvers the prime control valve hydraulically and electronically. 

Regarding managing this pilot device, pressure-tight strong as well as alternating current magnets could be fitted transitioning inside oil. This control piston for the main regulated valve is handled with the flanged pilot valve directly susceptible to actuating pressure. So the switch could be indexed to a point which may be a or b. The valve's buncher area or maybe spring area slot is formed simply by two flanged shields which can also be fitted using a stroke limiter. This regulated oil in- as well as outlet could be separately switched to outside or inside.

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